What a week!!!!!!!!!
The week started off pretty normal for us, even though we weren't quite back to 100% after having some kind of cold over the weekend. Wednesday was Daddy Day at Lindsay's playgroup, so Chip worked from home in the morning, and then we all went to playgroup - or what is lovingly referred to at our house as Germ Swap. At Lindsay's age - everything goes in her mouth, or the mouths of all her little friends, so the saliva and germs swapped during the two hour period is mucho mucho!!!! You try to minimize the swapping of mouthed toys, but it is just inevitable. Here are a couple photos of playgroup, as well as one of Lindsay in her cool turtle cap before we left home. This is the only non-pink, baseball style hat she has - so Daddy was excited she was wearing it to Daddy Day at playgroup.
Lindsay enjoyed sitting at the big kids craft table, and doing an obstacle course with her daddy. We are going to have a Daddy Day every other month - so stay tuned for more exciting adventures!!!
This is where the week goes awry. Lindsay had not been sleeping well, but we attributed it to her slight cold from the past weekend. Apparently that was not the problem, as we were up AT LEAST every hour, if not more often, on Wednesday night. It just wasn't that we were awakened, it was how - with ear piercing screams from our child. We think her teeth are coming soon (or at least we hope). After a very sleepless night - Chip was late for work, so Debbie did not get cleaned up before he left, figuring she could grab a shower later in the day. Everyone exhausted, we were making it through the day alright, until the power went off - for almost 7 hours!!! Thanks BVISEC - British Virgin Islands SOMETIMES Electricity Corporation!!!!!! No power, no shower - or heating up food etc. Lindsay's baby food had to be heated on the stove top, and we won't even discuss what Debbie wound up eating for lunch. Let's just say, making a sandwich became very difficult - finding mold on the bread, yucky lettuce, and a questionable expiration date on the lunchmeat. We are still alive, so no harm no foul - but it was not a very enjoyable experience. Chip was having an interesting day too - he was to attend a seminar that afternoon, only to arrive and find they had no power or even a generator. Taking notes in a dark auditorium, from a speaker with no microphone, in dress clothes with no air-conditioning - need I say more. Even funnier was the trip to the bathroom, where he had to feel his way along the wall in the dark to the urinal!!!! You just have to laugh, or else you'd be crying!!!
The power did come back on before dinner, so Lindsay ate and got her bath as usual. I had consulted the family pediatrician (Thanks Deann) for advice for our teething daughter, and Motrin (not Midol as Chip said to be funny - he thought it was hilarious; Lindsay and I - not so much!!!) was recommended to reduce the inflammation of her gums. We gave our girl a dose before bed, and it worked like a charm. We all slept - all night - what a concept!!! That alone made everything seem better on Friday morning. The only positive of the terrible Thursday was I did a photo session with Lindsay when I was grumpy about the power being off. She is in a dress that Charlie's sister Linda gave her, with a cute God Bless Baby blanket, also from Linda.
That's all from the Third World for now, but stay tuned.......................
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