Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Milestones - 20 months and 12 weeks

Well - as of today Lindsay is 20 months old, and Baby Harris Number 2 is 12 weeks along - I'm officially in my second trimester - Yeah!!!!
The weather here has been getting warmer - so outside is the place Lindsay wants to be. The pictures above were taken at her cousin's school. She loves the slides, and nothing is too high for her. We only had one potential wipeout that day, and I caught her by the seat of her pants - whoa!!! Lucky!!! It had my heart racing!!!! Daddy even came to play for a few minutes before the sun went down!!!!
In the last two months Lindsay's vocabulary has increased exponentially!!! She pretty much will repeat anything now - and is stringing lots of 3, sometimes four, word phrases together. Her favorite things to say are to list all of the family members names - sometimes over and over!! - singing songs, and she also loves to imitate other peoples expressions and actions. At Gymboree we sing songs and the kids go for rides on our lap. One of the songs is The Noble Duke of York - and she knows all of the actions and gives her doll, stuffed animals, Dora in the bathtub - anyone a lap ride. The amazing thing is she knows her left and right for this song, and has never once leaned the wrong direction. She's pretty observant and is learning lots!!!
Her gross motor skills have also gotten much better in the last several months. She is climbing stairs standing up, sliding, jumping and kicking balls. She is still very cautious however, and if left to do somethings on her own, will still stick with the safe way (i.e. going down the slide or stairs backwards).
Only six more months until the new baby arrives - and we are going to attempt potty training and moving to a big bed in that time!!!! Wish us luck!!!!!
Lindsay - we love you bunches!!!!! Happy (20 month) Birthday to You!!!!!

Tuesday, March 13, 2007


Well - I finally can put pigtails in Lindsay's hair. The first time I tried to put all of her hair up, and the back is still just a wee bit short to stay up nicely, so I had to add a couple of small barettes. The chosen look currently is to leave the back of her hair down with her cute curls, and put two piggies on top of her head. This was the look for the entire weekend - and her KU cheerleading outfit which we wore Saturday (Mommy washed it that night), and Sunday!!! Apparently it worked - KU won both of their games, and won the Big 12 Tournament!!! Daddy was very happy!!!

More from February!!!!

The second half of February was filled with the worst cold Lindsay, Chip and I all had this winter. It had a two week duration - and pretty much knocked us on our butts!!!! No fun - especially pregnant - when you can not take too much medicine!!
The first picture is Lindsay with her new blanket that was part of her Valentine's Day present from Grandma and Grandpa D!!! There is a penguin with velcro arms that holds the blanket when not it use - and Lindsay loves waddle waddles!!!
A cute photo of cuddles with Daddy, and one with cousins Jonathan and Grant on the couch!!!
Finally, we had a big birthday dinner for Aunt Susan, Aunt Deann and Uncle Bob at the end of the month. We were all feeling well again, and Lindsay went through the whole party with no nap. She finally crashed at about 6pm, slept for 45 minutes, ate again, and went to bed the normal time!!!! We were very impressed!!!!! I think we have a party girl on our hands!!!

February Re-cap - Big Announcement Too!

I know - it has been over a month since I last blogged. Bad Debbie. I do however have a reason. A VERY IMPORTANT REASON!!!!!!

At the end of January we found out we are expecting Baby Harris Number 2!!!!!!!!! All is well in the land of pregnancy - and finally after three home positive pregnancy tests, a positive urine test at the doctor, an ultrasound, and now hearing the fetal heartbeat today - I can say I truly believe we are having another baby!!!!!!

We are very excited to say the least!!!! This baby 'happened' :) much more quickly than Lindsay - much to our surprise and happiness!!!! Due date is October 1st - but Lindsay arrived 4 weeks early - so we are thinking a September arrival. YIPPEE!!!!

Okay - now back to our very cute 19 month old!!!! Here are some cute photos from February!!!
The first photo I call her 'Cat in the Hat' look. The next two are from Chip's work Super Bowl Party. Lindsay made a new friend Kasey (Chip's co-worker Karen's granddaughter) - and they loved playing - so I did not see too much of the actual game!!! Finally the last two pics are Lindsay in her Royals hat - now that football is over - Chip's already pushing BASEBALL!!!