Saturday, January 07, 2006

Just for Flipper!!!!!!!!!!!

Flipper said we may potentially be of the non-heterosexual persuasion for having a we decided to put him in it!!!!! Flipper (in my best quasi-Italian/English 80's pizza delivery boy accent).........."but, I love you"!!

P.S. Lindsay says......send Dolphins stuff!

Lindsay's Busy Week

First off, Lindsay wanted to review a few of her Christmas presents.

She loves the fish toy that Aunt Amy, Uncle Brian, Mason and Maya gave to her. The only problem is that it won't fit in her mouth (although she has tried).

She also says thank you for the Mavericks hat (even though her daddy turns it around Backwards!!!!!!!)

The exersaucer is still a big hit!!!! LOVES IT!!!
She looks pretty darn cute playing in it too!!!

She also had some practice sitting up ......... and laying down (in Mommy and Daddy's bed!!)

Whatcha doing Mommy?!?!?!?!

Snoozing as the sun comes up!!! :)

Lindsay also attended her first official play group. Here are some pictures with her friend Gabrielle. There was some playing, but a bit of sleeping occurred at play group too!!!

Mommy also made a new play area for Lindsay -
she likes the extra room to roll and play!!
Thanks Grandmother for the Eeyore quilt!!!

It works fantastic to cover the foam pad we bought!!!!

All in all - a fantabulous week!!!!! The Jayhawks won their game too - and when Daddy is happy, everyone is happy!!!!!! Love, Lindsay

Kansas Krushes Kentucky

Lindsay watched her first KU game today, and naturally was outfitted in her "Lil Jayhawk" onesie. She very much enjoyed watching the Hawks throttle the UK Wildcats.

A pre-game photo op






Lindsay hasn't quite grasped the seriousness of today's big game just yet!!!









Her favorite part was when KU shot a free-throw.........WHOOSH!!!!!









This one's a laugher - by the middle of the second half there was no doubt about it - the Hawks win and it's time for a nap (so we can get ready for an NFL playoff doubleheader!).

Sunday, January 01, 2006

A New Year!!

Today is January 1st, 2006, and we thought we'd start the New Year by jumping on the "blog" bandwagon. It's been a fun holiday season, complete with a visit from Grandmother and Pops, and Lindsay's first visit to the beach!!! Lindsay is a little over 5 months old now and keeping us VERY busy. She's rolling and pushing up, and her new exersaucer from Aunt Deann, Uncle Tim and cousins Jonathan and Grant is major entertainment for the Peanut (her daddy's term of endearment)!!!!

Grandmother & Pops on our balcony at sunrise with Lindsay

This was our first visit to the beach. Lindsay did great until it came time to rinse her feet in the ocean. She let us NO uncertain terms..........that the water was a little chilly for her liking!!!!

Don't I look cute in my hat!!!!

What day at the beach would be complete without a quick ride around the patio on Malibu afterward?!?!?!

Here's Lindsay in her new, exersaucer. At first, she didn't really know what to think of it, but now she buzzes around in circles pulling and poking all the different things . Thanks Pasowicz Crew!!!!

Mommy and Lindsay on Christmas morning. You'll notice the absence of Debbie's long curls of this summer. Her hair was long enough to cut 12 inches off and donate it to Locks of Love - an organization that makes wigs for children who have an illness or disease which causes hairloss. Hopefully it will help make a better New Year for a special child.

Daddy and Lindsay on Christmas morning.